My Hometown (my sister speech)
"My hometown is at the south tip of Taiwan.
Every year, millions of tourists travel thousands of miles here for our legendary beaches,
spectacular shopping street and night market.
Contrasting to urban areas, this place is heavenly serene.
Take a step further, you can connect with the non-contaminated ocean.
There's always breeze on the beach that gently touches your hair, your skin,
and your heart.Off the beach,
SCUBA diving is an amazing opportunity to immerse into the nature
and dance with fish and sea creatures.Embracing the ocean,
one can have an eyeful of beautiful young ladies with stylish BIKINI.
There's also a street full of treasures waiting for you to find:
delicious see food, pretty shell accessories, and PUBs.
In the the National Park of KenTing, you can learn about tropical animals and plants.
Your tour guide will take to the golden essential of this park.
After sunset, you will find a spark that ignites every 10 seconds.
Yes, it is the Light House of UhLwanBey, standing on the south tip of Taiwan,
casting light over the entire region.
Last but not least, the four Gates of HunTswen are famous historical sites,
forever standing, telling stories of the past. "